Learn about Prevention and Treatment of elderly with Hip Fractures

Hip fractures are more common in the elderly. So, in today's article, our main aim is to make everyone aware of how to prevent hip fractures and safe treatment options for the elderly.  

A fractured hip can severely affect mobility in the elderly and can develop severe conditions like:   

    1. Blood clots in the legs or lungs   
    2. Pneumonia   
    3. Urinary tract infections   
    4. Bedsores   
A broken hip also increases the risk of falling in the elderly.   

How to Prevent Hip Fractures in the Elderly  

You can help prevent a hip fracture by ensuring your elderly loved one's home is safe keeping certain points in mind like- 

1. Make sure the rooms are well lit. Lighting should not be too dim or too direct. Make sure the light switches are available.   
2. Remove rugs to prevent them from falling.   
3. Secure the bathroom by installing a skid-resistant mat in the shower and bathroom with anti-skid flooring. Place the grab bars where needed. Make sure the toilet seats are high enough to change quickly.   
4. Make sure the chairs are stable and have armrests.   
5. Avoid fall hazards in the kitchen. Place a rubber mat in front of the sink and apply non-slip wax to the floor. Place frequently used items on lower shelves, so they are easily accessible.   
6. Arrange the handrails on the stairs, and the steps are not slippery.     
7. Wear chic, flat shoes with rough soles.   
8. Being as physically active as possible with exercises that help balance and leg strength, such as regular walking, gentle yoga, or tai chi.   
Treatment Options 
1) Hip surgery in the elderly  

If your aging parents have a hip fracture, they may need surgery, hospitalization, and rehabilitation to heal the broken hip.  

The type of surgery your loved one will have depends on their overall health condition, the type of fracture, and its severity.  

There are two main types of hip fractures:  

1. Femoral neck fracture 
2. Intertrochanteric region fracture 
Methods of hip surgery in the elderly: 
1. Hip repair using screws   
2. Partial hip replacement 
3. Total hip replacement  
2) Hip Fracture Treatment without surgery  
In rare instances, doctors may recommend hip fracture treatment without surgery. Your loved one might not need surgery if the bone is fractured but remains in place. Surgery might not be recommended for patients who are too sick to endure it, were unable to walk before the fracture occurred, or are terminally ill.  
In these cases, treatment involves pain management, physical therapy, and various other methods without putting pressure and weight on the affected hip.   
If you are looking for Postoperative care for your loved ones after hip surgery or a Physiotherapy Rehab facility to treat their Broken hip, Antara Senior Care the best elderly care centre in India has all the facilities to help you. They have expert staffs and a diligent team of highly trained professionals, with a keen eye for detail, delivers care to help you with quick recovery.  
For more information on Antara Senior Care, the best elder care India visit www.Antaraseniorcare.com 



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